Loops for Higher Education
Using Loops you can manage distance, hybrid or in-the-room education. You can engage a small group of participants or educate thousands of people. Using Loops as your tool you can:
Be inspired by other people’s loops
Do you want to see what loops other people who educate adults have chosen to build? Click Read more and you will find examples of how Loops can be used in both distance and in-the-room education.

Explore on your own
Create a free test account today! Experience yourself what Loops can do to create efficient and engaging learning in your organisation! The test account has full functionality for 45 days.

User stories from various Educators
Are you interested in reading about what Education providers and Adult educators who use Loops today have to say?

Carlbergveien 6A, 1526 Moss, Norway
(+47) 915 89 100