Try Loops
Are you a person who likes to learn new things by trying them out yourself? Then you should definitely get a test account in Loops! You will not feel that you are left on your own, because once you are in the programme, there are guides to help you find your way and in the support pages you can read more if there is anything else you want to know.
When you create an account, you simultaneously start an organisation in Loops. If you want to, you can invite a couple of colleagues and a group of students or participants during your trial period.
Webinar about Loops
Would you like an overview of how Loops works before you get started? Then you have everything you need in this webinar!

Helpful Loops
In the Loops library there are four loops that can be very useful for you when you get started:
- Build a learning loop
- Loops for students/participants
- Loops for teachers/leaders and
- Learn to loop
Find them in the library and read in the introduction of each loop what they are about.
Carlbergveien 6A, 1526 Moss, Norway
(+47) 915 89 100